I get in the mood for goulash every now and then. This is my original recipe adjusted to my taste from bits and pieces of goulash recipes I've seen over the years.
I had a few regular elbows left in this box that I didn't want to waste, so I used them this time, but normally I would use organic. Also, I had two different types of diced tomatoes in my pantry so I used them. It doesn't matter. that they are different.
1 tbsp avocado oil or beef tallow
1 lb grass-fed/grass-finished ground beef
1 small yellow onion, diced
2 tbsp tomato paste (I used the Simple Truth Organic brand in the squeeze tube)
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp Himalayan salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 bay leaf
28 oz organic diced tomatoes
1 1/2 cups elbow macaroni
3 cups water
First, I put my oil or tallow in the dutch oven (you could use a large pot), and sauteed my onions over medium heat until translucent. Then I added the beef and browned it while using my wooden spoon to chop the meat into small pieces.
Then I added the tomato paste and spices and stirred to thoroughly combine.
Lastly, I added the noodles and water, brought to a boil, reduced heat, covered and simmered for 25 minutes.
It reduced quite a bit, but now my noodles are tender and it's ready to eat. Don't forget to remove your bay leaf. Enjoy!