Happy Tuesday! Delaware & Election Day
You can find fun facts for kids on the National Geographic Site. We had fun listening to all the State Bird songs while we studied the states, too. At the time I posted this, there was no video for Delaware.
Jaxson did a coloring sheet. You can find basic State coloring pages by Crayola here but we used the cute ones I found here.
Delaware holds an annual “Punkin Chunkin”, where people from all over the United States bring trebuchets, catapults, and rockets to see who can fling a pumpkin farthest across a field. We talked about the engineering of seige engines and the physics of the propellants and made a catapult out of a milk carton to fling our candy corn punkins across the living room.
Instructions here: https://www.education.txst.edu/ci/faculty/dickinson/PBI/PBISpring07/ProjectileMotion/Content/Worksheets/CatapultWorksheet.htm
Delaware was the first to ratify the Constitution, so they were the first state. Thomas Jefferson said Delaware was a “jewel among the states”, so she became known as “The Diamond State”, hence our Ring Pops!
We also held Election Day! We set up our campaign headquarters in the living room. We made campaign signs. We talked about how you stand on a platform; literally and figuratively. It’s what you stand on with your feet, and what you stand for in your heart! We talked about giving speeches. Then we held an election, got a sticker, and tallied our votes. Apparently, Cat and Rabbit will share a co-presidency!
Don't worry, Gramma supervised the cutting with scissors.
We found the cute election resources here: https://www.recipeforteaching.com/2016/04/election-day-voting-fun-for-kindergarten.html
Delaware and Election Day was October 20, 2020